
Last Modified: 05 March 2023

Manufacturers and assemble of Print Circuit Boards begin with E

Electrospec prides itself on committing to continuous improvements, and maintaining a standard of excellence. Electrospec specializes in areas of quality, cost and scheduling, seeking to provide you the customer, not only with the most affordable products, but the best products.
Makes print circuit boards, cable-trees and also complete electronic products.
Equipment Resource
Refurbished PCB handling equipment etc.
Exatech bv can take your burden off the electronics, by helping you drawing the functional specifications and by actively participating in the process of developing the enclosure, user interface and the input and output devices. Its not just the printed circuit board we are interested in, its the entire product! What we can do for you:
  • product specification
  • user interface design
  • circuit design and schematic diagram entry
  • PCB layout
  • prototype production
  • small to medium scale production
  • embedded software development
  • PC software applications.